How easy is it today to take a picture? Well very easy.

Last year I have taken thousands of pictures. Pictures of  myself, of him, of her, of friends, of random people in the street, of performances, of houses, of monuments, of streets, of food, of garbage, of kids, of bicycle, of parks , of objects, of nature, of landscapes. Macro, long exposures, with “good” camera, with “bad” camera etc.

Sometimes I feel that while I am hunting a “perfect”, “beautiful” or “good” photo, in the meantime I am loosing what happens during the process. I am wondering how/if I can find a different “sense” to this daily gesture; if there is a way that “photographing” is not an easy activity, based on the purpose make a “good” photo or to document an event or to capture the “right” moment but a process that is more important that then final photo or the apparatus.

Therefore, I would like to make a photo just for you, to print it and send it as a postcard to you from Lincoln (UK) where I currently live – I always loved this traditional old fashion way to communicate through postcards and letters. – No facebook, instagram, twitter, email; Not a photo for consumption and approval but a photo for reflection. I would like this photo to be just something else rather than a “beautiful” photo; a photo that we make together; a photo that has “sense” for both of us; and it’s not so easy.


I ask you to define for me a score by which I will take a photograph for you. I ask that the score be something to challenge me, either physically or mentally, but other than that you have free reign to decide what the parameters of this score should be. By ‘score’, what I mean is set of instructions or list of tasks I should carry-out in the process of creating a photograph for you : this does not have to be in any ‘normally’ recognised ‘form’ such as would be associated with music or dance : it can be a written list, or perhaps an individual graphic notation – anything you feel appropriate to challenge me to interpret. I will print this photo and I will send it to you by post.


And I have already 3 tasks to carry out.





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